What is the important thing in relationships? / リレーションシップにだいじなことって?



    Well, well, well, it is Valentine's day!

    Different kinds of scenes unfold everywhere with various thoughts of different kinds of people.

    Blossoming love, decided to love, lost love, lost ones, loving time, someone you cherish, time to nurture, warm and cozy moments, butterflies in stomach, unforgettable memories, exciting dreams that will come true someday.

    We were born to the earth wanting to be with one another, to support each other, to love each other, to forgive each other, resulting in our growth.

    Love is the essence of indescribably sweet and painful memories of life on earth. And if you wish, anyone can spend your life hand-in-hand with your soul mate sharing cherish moments of life. The time shared with open-heart is indeed a happy time. 

    It is OK to take a chance.  

    Feel that you are love by thinking of the person you love, grinning thinking of that person, sometimes feeling anxious and crying a lot.  

    Feel every moment connected by thoughts with that person when hand-in-hand, leaning on each other, smiling each other, filled with warm thoughts, embracing each other, and feeling the warmth of touch, and enjoy the real taste of LIVING by confirming the different kinds of feelings you have. 

    Experience the starting love, then is becoming falling in love with someone, and the fact you are loved by someone.

    Please tell that person I LOVE YOU. 

    The important key to a relationship is COMMUNICATION.

    With words, by card, letter, gift, by holding hands, hugging, kissing, cooking, making love, etc. You have plenty of means to express.

    To convey, that's important. To try to express. To hope your loved one would understand. To be there with your loved one with your willingness to understand him/her. 


    On Valentine’s day, together or alone, I recommend o watch this movie titled “What if”( http://whatifmovie.com/

    What if

    The importance of words. The conversation full of wittiness when sense of interests matches. Lively moments. I cannot take an eye off of you moments. Desirable mind to touch. Cherishing thoughts..

    It’s a loving comedy and nice casting. The main cast is Daniel Radcliffe, I liked him in this movie, from the “Harry Potter”. The partner is Zoe Kazan, really cute and was in “The Big Sick”. The best friends in this movie are Adam Driver from “Silence" and "Star Wars Episode VII” , and Mackenzie Davis from “Black Mirror”. They were seriously living life full and daring. They were the good spice in this movie. And yes, it is a happy story!

    Even if you spend the day alone, treat yourself well and express your love to your loved ones, your parents, grandma & grandpa, teachers, friends, pets, plants, etc. Have a loving day with lots of LOVE!

    Hoping many LOVE would be expressed and received by many in the world.

    With Love,























    ヴァレンタインにふたりでも、ひとりでも、観てみてくださいね、っていう映画があります。"Waht If"( http://whatifmovie.com/

    What if


    小さなキュンとするラブコメディです。そしてなかなか素敵な配役です。若手のこれからも期待大の人たちでちょっとした嬉しい驚きでした。主役は、泣く子も黙る「ハリーポッター」の主役のDaniel Radcliffe。私はこの映画の彼がすごく魅力的で好きでした。そして、お相手は本当にキュートなZoe Kazan。'The Big Sick'という話題の映画にも出ていました。そして、大人で大胆で本気でピリッとしたいい味を出していたのが、親友役のAdam Driver (Silence, Star Wars Episode VII)とMackenzie Davis (Black Mirror)。そして、ハッピーエンドです🤗 💕 

    ひとりで過ごすヴァレンタインだって、素敵に過ごしてくださいね。ちゃんと自分に愛を。そして、ご両親やおじーちゃんおばーちゃんや先生や大切な友人や動物達や植物達や、etc etc etc..ちゃんと愛を表現して、愛いっぱいの1日を!



