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Gratitude 感謝

During Setsu's business trip to Japan, our client, and future forecaster Kairi Yukishita took us to the formal "sanpai", a worship service at Ise Shrine.

It took place on November 11th, 2018., the day of the sequence of 1. 1111!
Not planned, it just happened to be this day. 
The miracle was planted way before we had decided to make this trip!

This shrine is one of the most respected shrines in Japan and is famous for a sunrise viewing at "Torii", an entrance of the shrine. So many people come to catch a glimpse and pray to the sun. On the day of our visit, many people were waiting yet we had no struggle to get the best place to view and pray. The rest of the day at the shrine went so smooth in every way and as though the time was managed for us.

There are Naiku and Geku, the two main shrines in Ise Jingu (shrine). Right before our formal worship service, the messages came to Setsu.

In Geku, "Take a good look around"
In Naiku, "Cleanse your mind"

After Setsu explained to us each meaning we received the service with our mind quiet, to be more self-aware, took a good look around, and clear our mind again. Setsu was filled with gratitude tears in her eyes thanking to Kairi-san and to us, staff and expressed this is the start of ONENESS IN LOVE INC. stepping towards the next chapter. As ONENESS IN LOVE INC. we will continue to work as a single purpose for people in Japan, the United States, and around the world.

The next day November 12th, 2018 accompanied by Toshimi who is a founder and president of http://www.bloomandberry.com/ to the world heritage temple, "Koyasan (Koya mountain)", located in Wakayama, Japan.
Our first visit to "Koyasan" was a few years ago when Toshimi introduced us. That was when Setsu had a mystical experience there. Since then she takes us every time we are in Japan.

At the temple, at Okunoin, the alter as the largest holy place in Koyasan where Kukai or Kobo-daishi, a Japanese Buddist monk's final resting place and where he is enshrined, one of Setsu's mystical and miracle experiences had happened, the strong connection with Kobo-daishi on her first visit. Since then Kobo-daishi warmly welcomes Setsu and the crew. Each visit and this time many miracles occur around Setsu and we had the blessing to be by her side to witness it. It showed Setsu's holiness as a psychic and her belief and faith in how she faces as a psychic to the universe and each client. As a staff, we put ourselves to be straightened up and also were honored and felt blessed to be by her side.

Filled with the sense of gratitude and holiness to have had the opportunity to receive a formal service at Ise Shrine and to revisit to put our hands together to pray in front of Kobo-daishi at Koyasan. Through ONENESS IN lOVE INC. given the opportunity to meet everyone and to be able to connect to everyone's true happiness, thus, we firmly believe, leads to world peace and world love. This two days of holy experiences had us reassured to have this connection with everyone and every experience in life as ONENESS IN LOVE INC is sacred and grateful. We thank Kairi & Toshimi to guide us every way.

Among miracles throughout the trip, angels showed us repdigit one after another (see pics for some of what we witnessed). To see the numbers in repdigit means "angels are watching over us". Every time we saw the repdigit we screamed out of excitement because it was not just one or two times. It was everywhere wherever we went.

It's about to end 2018.
Thank you very much to all the clients who shared the time with us.
To everyone who follows us on FB and has been reading our posts & to all the supporters wherever you are, Thank you so so much!

Thank you all from the bottom of our heart and soul. 
Let's make 2019 the greatest of the greatest!!

We love you so much.
written by Ayako, Nao, Setsu

Setsu (節)の出張セッションで日本に滞在中、未来予報士こと雪下魁里さんのご案内で、私達の会社 ONENESS IN LOVE INC. として伊勢神宮を正式参拝させて頂きました。



参拝が終わった後、Setsuは涙を流しながら魁里さんとスタッフ一人一人に感謝をし、ONENESS IN LOVE INC. の次なるページへのスタートを表明してくれました。


ONENESS IN LOVE INC.として伊勢神宮に正式参拝という形で神様にご挨拶させて頂けたこと、そして高野山で弘法大師様が温かく大きく迎えてくれたこと。この貴重なできごとを通して、神聖さと感謝に満たされました。私たちONENESS IN LOVE INC.が皆さまと出会い、皆さまの幸せに関わらせていただき、ひいてはそれが世界の平和や愛にもつながると信じています。それはとても神聖なことであり、感謝でしかない、ということをこの2日間を通じて改めて認識させていただきました。



Ayako, Nao, Setsu