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2018 Super Blue Blood Moon; Death & Rebirth /2018 スーパーブルーブラッドムーン;死と再生

©SetsuONESS IN LOVE   Big and brilliant ‘Super Moon’ welcomed us and blessed us on the first day of 2018. Hello everyone, how’s your brand new start going so far? This is Setsu. I hope you are enjoying your new days. Now, we are going to meet the second time of full moon during one month this time (Blue Moon), before the second month of the year! It also comes to the place closest to our earth (Super Moon)! And more of that, it's blessed to have a chance as a lunar eclipse (Blood Moon)! It's amazing, isn't it? I'm excited. As the energy of super blue blood moon called 152 years after approaches, creatures, including us humans, begin to...
