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Gratitude 感謝

During Setsu's business trip to Japan, our client, and future forecaster Kairi Yukishita took us to the formal "sanpai", a worship service at Ise Shrine. It took place on November 11th, 2018., the day of the sequence of 1. 1111!Not planned, it just happened to be this day. The miracle was planted way before we had decided to make this trip! This shrine is one of the most respected shrines in Japan and is famous for a sunrise viewing at "Torii", an entrance of the shrine. So many people come to catch a glimpse and pray to the sun. On the day of our visit, many people were waiting yet we had no struggle to get the best place to view...



( *Japanese follows after English)      Hello everyone, how have you been? First of all, I am deeply sad about the earthquake in Hokkaido, Japan on Sep 6th.  We are sending our prayers to all the victims and their family.               Well, today, I would like to talk about our special session; ONENESS PRICE DAY Session. We just put our notice out for the next one; Saturday, September 15th and it is going to be Vol.5! 👏👏🙏🙏✨ Please read the below is the explanation of ONENESS PRICE DAY and my message from our notice: *************************************** What is ONENESS PRICE DAY? ONENESS PRICE DAY was created by Setsu, a leading spiritual psychic advisor and the founder of ONENESS IN LOVE...


西日本豪雨被害に遭われた皆様へ / To our clients, their family and friends of the victims of the heavy rain and flooding in the western areas of Japan

  * English follows after Japanese   この度の日本での西日本を中心とした記録的豪雨の被害を報道で知るにつけ、被害の大きさに大変心を痛めております。 そして、私のクライアントさんがたの安否を案じております。 皆様、ご家族、ご友人方、ご無事でいらっしゃいますでしょうか。。。。    災害に遭われてしまわれた皆様には深く心より御見舞いを申し上げます。 ヒーリング、祈り等、遠隔よりできることをさせていただきたいので、ご希望の方々はどうかご遠慮なくお知らせください。   大切な方の命が奪われてしまわれた方々、怪我を追われてしまわれた方々、行方不明のご家族ご友人がおられる方々、家が崩壊してしまわれた方々、恐怖と苦しみと悲しみの中におられる方々。 心から祈り、少しでも癒されるよう支えられるよう、光を送らせていただきます。 どうか、みんなで力を合わせ、手を取り合い、助け合い、乗り越えて行きましょう。   皆様のご無事と再生を心からお祈りしております。   節 & ONENESS IN LOVE INC.スタッフ   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   It deeply breaks our heart to hear the news of how devastating the current situation is in Japan. Our compassion and sympathy go to all who are affected by the disaster. Our thoughts and prayers are with the deceased souls and for those who are suffering.  In the time of difficulty, we continue to send our deepest prayers and light for the victims. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you and your loved ones need healing and prayers.  We need to pull together as one. Let’s help each other,...


To my dearest people who are at the moment of the thick clouds / 今、厚い雲の真っ只中にいる愛すべき人々へ/ Para mis queridos clientes quienes están ahora mismo en las tormentosas nubes

  * The article is in English, Japanese, then Spanish; 英語文、日本語文、スペイン語文と続きます。  ***********************************************************************************************     Even if the ahead of the tunnel looks as veiled in the thick fog now, even if you feel like you don't have any more energy to keep going, even if you don't find the significance to go ahead any more, certainly, someday,  the Heavenly lights have been lighting up on you, with you, all the time, ahead of your way, all the while the shining light has been waiting for you, you have desired to keep going ahead, getting advance, you were born because you wished to do various things, many many things,  as many as you could, the day will come that you will...


Where is Our Future? / 私達の未来はどこにあるか?/ Donde está nuestro futuro?

* The article is in English, Japanese, then Spanish; 英語文、日本語文、スペイン語文と続きます。 ....................................................................................................................................     Where is our reality? In our own mind, heart and reaction.   Where is our future? In the outcome of our own mind, heart, reaction and behavior of this moment.   Then, what should we do now?   ^_−☆   With Love, Setsu   ************************************************************************************************** 私達の現実はどこにあるか。 私達自身の頭と心と言動の中にあります。   私達の未来はどこにあるか。 今この瞬間の私達自身の頭と心と言動の結果にあるのです。   それならば、今、私達がすべきことは何でしょうか?   ^_−☆   愛をこめて 節 ************************************************************************************************** Donde está nuestra realidad? En nuestra propia mente, corazón y reacción.   Donde está nuestro futuro? Es el producto de nuestra mente, corazón, reacción y comportamiento en este momento.   Entonces, qué deberíamos hacer?   ^_−☆   Con Amor Setsu
