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No controlled, No Panic /コントロールはされず、そしてパニックにもならず/No ser controlados, no tener miedo

 * The article is in English, Japanese, then Spanish; 英語文、日本語文、スペイン語文と続きます。   Sonic attacks. First in Cuba, now in China. We don’t want rumors. We don’t wanna be in panic. We don’t want to be controlled. We don’t wanna be ignorant. We don’t wanna be ‘don’t care’ person. We need to know what’s going on for real. It means we need to be aware and awake. https://www.cnn.com/2018/05/23/health/sonic-attacks-china-havana-cuba-explainer/index.html  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ソニックアタック。最初はキューバ、そして今中国。 秘かに広がる噂は目的や根拠が問われるし、むやみにパニックになるべきでもない。そして私達はコントロールされるべきではない。無知ではいてはいけないし、「関係ないし」という人間になるべきではない。 いったい世の中で本当は何が起こっているのか、私達はちゃんと知る必要がありますね。 つまり、私達は、認識し、目覚めている必要があるということなのです。 https://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35119680.html?tag=cbox;world ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ataque acústico. Primero en Cuba, ahora en China. No queremos rumores. No queremos vivir en pánico. No queremos ser controlados. No queremos ser ignorantes. No queremos ser la persona que ‘no le importa’. Necesitamos saber que está sucediendo en verdad. Significa que necesitamos estar alerta y despiertos....


Each Day Brings A Miracle/毎日がミラクル/Cada día trae un milagro

* English first, next Japanese, then Spanish; 英語文、日本語文、スペイン語文と続きます。 *************************************************************************************      Each Day Is A Different One; Each Day Brings A Miracle Of Its Own. ---Paulo Coelho   So, let's Start all over again! Let's Rejoice! Let's NOT give up! Let's be Positive! Just Do It! Don't worry, You Can Do It! Just Live! Receive the Miracles! Let's ....... C'mon!  We Love YOU!   From Your Angels   :)  Love,  Setsu, ONENESS IN LOVE INC. ************************************************************************************************ 1日として同じ日はない。 唯一無二の今日、 今日だけのミラクルがやってくる。 ---パウロ・コエーリョ (訳:ONENESS IN LOVE INC.)   ということで、新しい1日です!またやり直そうではないですか!ありがたいじゃないですか、嬉しいじゃないですか!諦めたりなんかしてはいけません!ポジティブに行きましょう!とにかくやるんですよ!だいじょうぶ、できるから!ただ、生きるんです。ミラクルをちゃんと受け取ってね!とにかく。。。。。ほれ! 私たちはあなたが大好きよ!   あなたの天使たちより   :) 愛をこめて 節  ONENESS IN  LOVE INC.                                   ******************************************************************************************************                                    Cada día es un día diferente; Cada día trae su propio milagro --- Paulo Coelho Entonces ¡empecemos de nuevo! ¡Alegrémonos! ¡No nos rindamos! ¡Seamos...


A Quiet Place / 静寂の場 / un lugar en silencio

* Article is in English followed by Japanese & Spanish  *このブログ記事は英語文、日本語文、スペイン語文と続きます * Artículo en inglés, seguido por japonés y español 📽Movie ‘A quiet place’. It was reeeeeeally good. We went to see the opening day and the theater was full. All the audience including us tried hard not to make any sound as if we were in the same place as the film goes on in the life forced living in silence. Except when we, audience, applauded some scenes, especially at the end. Director, John Krasinski, who played as husband/father, did a greatly awesome work! 👏👏👏👏  🎥  His real-life wife and main actress of this movie, Mrs. Emily Blunt was amazing. (Actually, in real life this couple is so funny...


What is the important thing in relationships? / リレーションシップにだいじなことって?

   ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ Well, well, well, it is Valentine's day! Different kinds of scenes unfold everywhere with various thoughts of different kinds of people. Blossoming love, decided to love, lost love, lost ones, loving time, someone you cherish, time to nurture, warm and cozy moments, butterflies in stomach, unforgettable memories, exciting dreams that will come true someday. We were born to the earth wanting to be with one another, to support each other, to love each other, to forgive each other, resulting in our growth. Love is the essence of indescribably sweet and painful memories of life on earth. And if you wish, anyone can spend your life hand-in-hand with your soul mate sharing cherish moments of life. The time shared...


2018 Super Blue Blood Moon; Death & Rebirth /2018 スーパーブルーブラッドムーン;死と再生

©SetsuONESS IN LOVE   Big and brilliant ‘Super Moon’ welcomed us and blessed us on the first day of 2018. Hello everyone, how’s your brand new start going so far? This is Setsu. I hope you are enjoying your new days. Now, we are going to meet the second time of full moon during one month this time (Blue Moon), before the second month of the year! It also comes to the place closest to our earth (Super Moon)! And more of that, it's blessed to have a chance as a lunar eclipse (Blood Moon)! It's amazing, isn't it? I'm excited. As the energy of super blue blood moon called 152 years after approaches, creatures, including us humans, begin to...
